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Chatzitheodorou Konstantinos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Italian-into-Greek machine readable dictionary for paraphrasing
Over the last few years, technology such as machine translation plays an important role in making valuable content in one language accessible to all. However, translating support verb constructions may still pose a challenge for translation systems. Most of the time, there is not always one-to-one matching between the support verbs, perhaps due to cultural and language differences and lack of available training data. In Italian, like in almost every language, verbs like avere (to have), fare (to make), prendere (to take), dare (to give) etc., often, are semantically emptied when appear with predicate nouns. We present a simple yet effective strategy to replace the whole constructions with a full verb which is generated from the predicate noun, preserving the meaning at the same time (e.g., fare una proposta (to make a proposal) > proporre (to propose) > προτείνω (to propose). Our method uses an Italian-Greek machine-readable bilingual dictionary to produce the paraphrases of the support verb constructions. Furthermore, we present a set of inflectional, derivational and syntactic grammars and graphs that the dictionary uses to disambiguate the Italian language when generating the paraphrases. Results show significant improvements for the Italian-into-Greek language pair in the domain of legislation, comparing to widely machine translation systems such as Google translate and SDL


Karatsori Ioanna (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

The Use of Corpora as a Means of Identifying Metaphor and Metonymy in Political Speeches of a Mediterranean Language

The present study belongs to the field of Cognitive Linguistics while utilizing the main principles of Corpus Linguistics and corpora with the aim of carrying out linguistic analysis and drawing conclusions about language use. Two specialized corpora were designed to serve this analysis and access to them was gained through the MonoConc Pro 2.2 concordancing software. These corpora include speeches delivered by two different political leaders in the Greek Parliament; the language used, thus, as a medium for linguistic analysis is the Greek language, a Mediterranean language. The purpose of the study is the identification of systematic conceptual mappings, such as metaphor and metonymy, that characterize the speeches of both leaders, applying the MIP model (Metaphor Identification Procedure) proposed by Steen (2007), and reproving in this way the potency of corpora not only for purposes of lexical research, but also for the identification of instances of figurative language.


Ilias Spyridonìdis - Magdalini Kritharidou (Sοcietà Dante Alighieri di Salonicco)

Il vocabolario italo-greco di Girolamo Germano                                                                          

Il partimonio culturale italiano tangibile e intangibile in Grecia, in molti casi rimane ancora inesplorato. Le relazioni interculturali tra l’Italia e la Grecia, nascono molto prima dell’apparizione nella storia di questi due paesi-nazioni. In realtà, le relazioni interculturali tra i popoli italici e le genti elleniche risalgono in antichità, nei primi contatti tra gli antichi greci e i latini. In questo studio, proviamo di descrivere, analizzare, localizzare e posizionare nel tempo e nello spazio il vocabolario italo-greco del gesuita Gerolamo Germano, probabilmente uno dei primi dizionari bilingui per quanto riguarda il neogreco e l’italiano. Si tratta di un vocabolario degli inizi del 17° secolo, un documento delle relazioni italoelleniche in un periodo difficile, un testo scritto che fa parte dell’enorme patrimonio culturale italo-greco.


Zosi Zografidou, Dimitris Τsioplos, Maria Basdouki, Vassiliki Sterghianou, Stavroula Μoissiadou , Nota Iossifidou (Universita' 'Aristotele' di Salonicco)

Traducendo il racconto 'Il treno per Firenze' di Antonio Tabucchi e scoprendo abitudini alimentari mediterranee

L’obiettivo del lavoro è presentare l’esperienza della traduzione collettiva del racconto tabucchiano. Nel poster si espone solo una parte della ricerca e vengono selezionati e presentati lemmi che si collegano con abitudini alimentari mediterranee che abbiamo isolato analizzando e traducendo il racconto tabucchiano: Il ‘caffellatte’, il ‘panino’, la ‘trattoria’, il verbo ‘assaggiare’ e ‘la trippa’.